Sunday, April 24, 2016

What Is Meant By "I'm Not Ready"

I dearly wish to know how to make people understand what is meant by "I'm not really ready for that."

It doesn't mean "I want to wallow in grief."

It doesn't mean "I want to live in the past."

It doesn't mean "I'm in denial."

It doesn't mean "I don't want to."

It doesn't mean "I'm afraid."

It isn't an invitation for you to give me a nudge, or a stern talking-to, or gentle advice. It isn't a plea for help.

It is exactly what it is: "I'm not really ready ... "

I think I'll know when I am ready, so feel free, periodically, to keep asking/suggesting. Just don't push if I say, "I'm not really ready for that." I perfectly well know that there are opportunities that may pass me by. That’s something I’m prepared to deal with.

I’ve gotten pretty good at “dealing with” stuff over the past few years.

But honestly, I’d a whole lot rather deal with the consequences of passing up on what seems -- to you -- to be a good opportunity for me, than to deal with the consequences of doing something that ran counter to my own instincts; i.e. something that I didn’t feel “ready” for.

You’ll tell me: Have I done an OK job of explaining what is meant by "I'm not really ready for that."?

Now if you could only tell me how to get the point across in 25 words or fewer ...